When I first joined Fuse I never would have thought I was capable of achieving this physique or the level of dedication it took to get here. I honestly thought that my body was what it was and I would never “look like that” or “be an athlete like her” because I truly believed my body was my body and that was that. But that didn’t stop me from trying. For years I would alternate between 900 calories/day (or less) of only greens/clear liquids followed by several days of eating everything in sight. Only to then feel deep guilt and start the process over. I hated exercise and would punish myself with hours of cardio a day, then spend several weeks without exercising at all. Through this process and training with Fuse, I’ve finally achieved true balance. I understand food and how it impacts my body. I eat for fuel and I enjoy healthful, whole foods. I love lifting heavy weights and working out with my Fuse Family! I now do cardio for its health benefits, and in moderation, not as punishment. I now understand that it’s totally fine to have occasional treats, and enjoy them comfortably without guilt. This process has instilled in me a healthy balance I’ve never had before. I am so proud of this transformation, both mentally and physically.
- Bethany C.
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” - Henry David Thoreau
Over the years I’ve set many different goals. My goals were always changing and adapting to where my life went. Some of my goals are fitness related and I some that aren't. Through setting and achieving my fitness goals I found a passion that I can’t live without . It has shown me that not all goals need to be met at once and that there is no time limit on your success. Be consistent and find the passion behind your goals!
Life will throw up road blocks and even knock you down at times but if keep fighting to reach your goal you can accomplished anything! I have become much stronger and confident in my own skin. I can’t wait too see what’s next! -Danielle C.