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Spring Fever Logo 2022.png

"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."


Catch the Fever!

April 9 - May 20

-- spring fe·ver: a feeling of restlessness and excitement felt at the beginning of spring --
Sun's out, days are longer, energy's increasing, motivation is coming back! Take advantage of the momentum and join with a team of 3-4 people (or we put you on a team). You'll compete to earn points through building muscle, losing fat, weekly behaviors and earning MyZone effort points.
The cool thing about teams? You not only get the support of your trainer, but you have a built-in support system, cheering you on the whole way.

Registration Fee - $50

The registration fee gets you:

  • 3 progress body composition check-ins (beginning, middle, end), participant MUST schedule a time through MINDBODY

  • Free kickoff bootcamp on April 9th

  • Free midpoint small group workout at Fuse Fitness Coaching to establish one rep max during the week 4

  • Chance to win $500 for People's Choice winner and $250 for team award.

  • End of Challenge Party 

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